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Policy Evaluation is an important stage of Bentleigh West Kindergarten’s policy development process.

It enables BWK to review the effects of a policy and identify new issues for consideration. A date for a formal review is set either annually or bi-annually and documented in the policy. This effectively starts the policy cycle again and ensures that it is continually moving.  A copy of BWK’s most recent policies can be found published on our website or hard copies can be found in the kindergarten foyer.

Bentleigh West Kindergarten Inc. encourages a collaboration with families when reviewing of policies. Please feel free to provide input or contribute your time to aid in the review process of a particular policy, currently under review.

2024 Policy review update

March 2024

Code of Conduct - Approved March 2024

Anaphylaxis and Allergic Reactions - Approved March 2024

Emergency and Evacuation - Approved March 2024

Acceptance and Refusal of Authorisations - Approved March 2024


April 2024

Child Safe Environment and Wellbeing - Approved April 2024

Compliments and Complaints - Approved April 2024

May 2024

Fees - Free Kindergarten Approved May 2024

Privacy and Confidentiality Approved May 2024

June 2024

The following policies have been updated and ready for our Working Group/Consultation Period. We invite all our BWK current families to read through them and make any comments. Feel free to email These will be available for the next 2 weeks before being endorsed at the June COM Meeting.

Nutrition, Oral Health and Active Play

Administration of First Aid

Tobacco, E- Cigarettes ,Alcohol and other Drugs

Road Safety Education and Safe Transport

July 2024

Participation of Volunteers and Students



Bentleigh West Kindergarten Inc Philosophy

Enrolment and Orientation Free Kindergarten Policy 2023
Administration of First Aid Policy 2023
Administration of Medication 2023
Acceptance and Refusal of Authorisations Policy 2024

Anaphylaxis and Allergic Policy 2024
Asthma Policy 2023

Child Safe Environment and Wellbeing 2024
Code of Conduct 2024

Compliments and Complaints 2023

Diabetes Policy 2023

Dealing with Infectious Diseases 2023
Dealing with Medical Conditions Policy 2023
Delivery and Collection of Children 2023
Determining a Responsible Person Policy 2022

Educational Program Policy 2023
Emergency and Evacuation Policy 2024
Environmental Sustainability Policy 2023
Epilepsy and Seizures Policy 2023

eSafety for Children 2023
Excursions and Centre Events 2023
Fees (Free Kindergarten) Policy 2023
Food Safety Policy 2023

Family Violence Support 2022
Governance and Management of the Kindergarten 2022
Hygiene 2022
Inclusion and Equity 2023

Incident, Injury and Illness Policy 2023

Information Technology 2022
Interactions with Children Policy 2023

Mandatory Vaccination 2022

Mental Health and Wellbeing 2023
Nutrition, Oral Health and Active Play 2022
Occupational Health and Safety 2023

Occupational Violence and Aggression 2023 - New!
Privacy & Confidentiality Policy 2024

Participation of Volunteers and Students Policy 2023
Relaxation and Sleep Policy 2023

Road Safety Education and Safe Transport 2023
Staffing Policy 2023
Social Media 2022
Supervision of Children Policy 2023

Sun Protection 2023

Tobacco, Alcohol and other Drugs 2022
Water Safety Policy 2023

If you have any questions relating to any of these policies,

please email

Bentleigh West Kindergarten: Statement of commitment to child safety


Our Kindergarten is committed to child safety.


We want children to be safe, happy and empowered, and for their voices to be heard about decisions that affect their lives. 

We support and respect all children, as well as our staff and volunteers.


Our Kindergarten has a zero tolerance for child abuse. All allegations and safety concerns will be treated seriously and consistently with our robust policies and procedures.

We have legal and moral obligations to report allegations, safety and wellbeing concerns to authorities, which we follow rigorously.



Our Kindergarten is committed to preventing child abuse and identifying risks early, and removing and reducing these risks.


We are committed to regularly training and educating our staff and volunteers on child abuse risks. We aim to ensure every person involved in our Kindergarten understands the important and specific role they play, individually and collectively, to ensure the wellbeing and safety of all children is at the forefront of our care and decision-making.

We are committed to the cultural safety of all children including Aboriginal children, children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds, and to providing a safe environment for children with a disability. 

We have specific policies, procedures and training in place that support our leadership team, staff and volunteers to achieve these commitments.


If you believe a child is at immediate risk of abuse, phone 000.

Our Policy Development Process

Bentleigh West Kindergarten’s Policies and procedures are reviewed regularly in order to meet changing needs and comply with legislation. While the National Regulations and the NQS do not specify how often this should occur, BWK has developed a Policy Review Table to provide guidance with timelines. This can be found in the blue folder in the foyer of the Kindergarten, on the parent noticeboard and published on the website. Please note these dates are subject to change.


Bentleigh West Kindergarten aims to have all policies up to date with current research and contemporary views on best practice and support a shared understanding of a service’s practices (NQS Element 7.1.2).



Critical reflection on the effectiveness of current daily and professional practices can assist in determining how current practices might need to be changed, further developed or improved.

As part of our self-assessment process, Bentleigh West Kindergarten must reflect on practice, policies and procedures against all seven Quality Areas of the National Quality Standard and related regulations prior to developing a Quality Improvement Plan (QIP). You can find more information here


This self-assessment process may identify additional policies for review or development to support current practices and plans to improve quality. Questions to consider include:

  • what regulatory and legislative requirements need to be covered

  • has an incident occurred, or has a concern, complaint or issue been raised, that has prompted the need for a policy or the review of a policy

  • is the current practice fair, equitable and effective

  • have changing circumstances impacted on current policies e.g. has the organisation moved, increased or decreased in size

  • has there been a change to the service’s model of service delivery or philosophy

  • is there new legislation, regulation, awards, codes of practice and/or guidelines that will impact on policy, for example the Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011

  • have there been any changes to policy requirements in quality evaluation and improvement systems, such as the new National Quality Standard, and assessment and rating process, or any changes to funding guidelines

  • what other policies are required for efficient and effective operation?


Policies currently under review


Questions for discussion/consideration about policies currently under review will include:

  • does the existing policy meet current legislative and regulatory guidelines

  • when was the policy last evaluated/reviewed

  • how will any changes impact on children, families, educators, staff and management

  • what are the advantages and/or disadvantages of the existing policy

  • does the current policy reflect the:     o service’s philosophy, and any amendments

                                                        o long-term goals

                                                        o operational processes and procedures

                                                        o workplace protocols

                                                        o work practices

  • does this policy reflect best practice

  • what procedures are in place to support the implementation of the policy?


This process of research and analysis will identify components for inclusion in a new policy or those that require amendment in an existing policies.

(Sourced from

Contact Us

Feel free to contact us for more information

21 Patterson Road
Bentleigh, VIC, 3204

Phone. (03) 9557 8365

0451344261 (Bus. Hours only)

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